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Flower Bouquets


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Home " Store " Mix Colony

Mix Colony


Mix Colony: an enchanting fusion. In this bouquet, harmony is found in the mix of red roses and pink roses. Ten roses dancing in a palette of colors that celebrate the diversity of love. The Mix Colony is more than a bouquet; it is a symphony of intertwined emotions. A gift that transcends seasons, moments and borders, carrying with it the magic of variety. A gesture that will resonate in the hearts of those fortunate enough to receive it, capturing the very essence of floral expression.

*Vase not included.


  • 10 red and pink equatorial roses
  • Paniculata sigh
  • Decorative green

Even more top!

Would you like to add additional roses?

Vase *

Add a vase to your bouquet

Fuji Vase
Without vase

Make it even more special...


Pick of 8cm teddy bear


Would you like to add a dedication? *

Order total:
Red Colony

This is how your flowers will arrive

We believe in proximity. So your flowers won't be stuffed in a cardboard box and shipped from across the country while they are without water for 24 hours.

At BonBee we will deliver the flowers to your rider, who will make a route just for you. In this way we reduce waiting time and the flowers will be just 20 minutes without water (and not 24 hours).

May progress not take away the magic of receiving flowers.

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